Beachbody Coaching
Why do I do this?
For a few years I had followed my friend, and now Coach, on her journey with fitness and Beachbody. I had been involved in a few of her free groups but never committed. I was scared. I was unprepared. I was also broke and didn't see how I could make it work for me!
In the summer of 2015 another person I knew was running a challenge group for the 21 Day Fix, a program I had watched countless numbers of infomercials on and was very curious about. I finally told myself that enough was enough. I couldn't yo-yo diet anymore. I couldn't waste money with DVDs or fitness games (xbox kinect) that I didn't use or barely used. It was a waste of money. I needed something that I was able to keep up with and would benefit from. I needed to know what my return on investment would be!
I started the 21 Day Fix and was super impressed with the program. I actually think it's the perfect program for anyone who is just starting out, as it walks you through EVERYTHING! Who doesn't need that when they are starting out? I saw great results after my first round of the 21 Day Fix and so I continued with a second round. I saw results again and was happy with seeing what I was capable of.
Work got busy so I fell off of the program, but I have been able to maintain my success/loss and I've never ever been able to do that for as long as I have now (February 2016, coming up on 1 year). I was approached by the coach of the challenge group to join their team. I was not sure I was ready for that. I also had a TON of questions because I wanted to know what it meant. It sounded like a pretty decent deal, but I wasn't completely comfortable with it. I wanted to work with someone I had a better connection with. I wanted to work with someone who I could be completely honest and real with - THIS is important! I love helping people and want to help as many people as I can, but I want those people to want my help! I want those people to feel comfortable with me and want to share this part of their life with me. Sometimes we have to be 'real' and I'm a no-nonsense person so I won't beat around the bush when you need to hear something - I'm just going to tell you.
So I went back to my old friend and joined a challenge with her as well as decided to sign on to her team. I am super happy with my decision to wait and to join a team with people I had an actual connection with and knew. That was important to me. I have trust issues - I needed this!
As a coach I have helped a few people get back on track and become healthier and happier with their lives. I am hoping to be able to reach even more people and start to build my FITmiglia (team) because I do view this as a family!
Why should you join?
Does the above sound like you? Are you skeptical? Do you have questions? I am more than happy to help you along your journey too!
What I loved about making the switch to a Coach was that I didn't have to stock products. I don't have to sell if I don't want to. This is a business venture for YOU by YOU! You can decide how active you are and what kind of Coach you want to be. What other company allows you to run a business how you choose to, but still offers benefits if you don't actually want to make money?
Once you sign up as a Coach you will receive 3 websites (Beachbody Coach, Shakeology, and Ultimate Reset) that you use with your customers to order directly from Beachbody. You will pay a monthly website/business fee of $15.95 for this service. There are ready-made websites and only require a little bit of personalization, so anyone can set these up!
To be a coach there is a one-time sign-up fee of $40. BUT if you sign-up at the time of purchasing a challenge pack - the fee is waived! You just pay the cost of the challenge pack. There's also a way to get the fee waived if you purchased a challenge pack within 30 days of signing up to be a Coach. Ask me for more details. To remain active as a Coach, you must maintain a personal volume (PV) of 50 points per month. To put that into perspective, your personal monthly Shakeology order is 90PV so you don't need to purchase or sell anything over that to remain active.
What other benefits do Beachbody coaches get?
- You receive 25% commission on anything that anyone orders from your websites. One monthly HD order of Shakeology gets you $32!
- You receive a 25% discount on all Beachbody products.
- You can build your own team of coaches to motive and support. You can earn cash bonuses based on your team’s performance.
- You get paid every Thursday.
- You have access to all of Beachbody’s marketing and training materials. You will have everything you need to help you succeed!
- You will have access to a wide network of other coaches where you can ask questions and get feedback on your ideas.